General Appearance
A small, black, short-coated dog with distinctive rich mahogany markings
and a taper style tail. In structure the Manchester presents a sleek,
sturdy, yet elegant look, and has a wedge-shaped, long and clean head
with a keen, bright, alert expression. The smooth, compact, muscular
body expresses great power and agility, enabling the Manchester to kill
vermin and course small game.
Except for size and ear options, there are no differences between the
Standard and Toy varieties of the Manchester Terrier. The Toy is a
diminutive version of the Standard variety.
This paragraph sums up the Manchester well and sets the breed apart from all
others. From the distinctive markings to the taper tail. The symmetry
should be pleasing, harmonious and a well proportioned blend-in of the
animals parts and features, shape, size, and structure. The muscular body
expresses great power and agility, keeping in mind that excessive development
of individual muscle group, usually on and around the limbs result in a
relatively restricted, cumbersome and lumbering movement.
In today's ring, there are some differences in the two Varieties that you
will see when Judging. Namely, the head, tailset and carriage, bite and lack
of underjaw in the toy.
Size, Proportion and Substance
The Toy variety shall not exceed 12 pounds. It is suggested that clubs
consider dividing the American-bred and Open classes by weight as
follows: 7 pounds and under, over 7 pounds and not exceeding 12 pounds.
The Standard variety shall be over 12 pounds and not exceeding 22
pounds. Dogs weighing over 22 pounds shall be disqualified. It is
suggested that clubs consider dividing the American-bred and Open
classes by weight as follows: over 12 pounds and not exceeding 16
pounds, over 16 pounds and not exceeding 22 pounds.
The Manchester Terrier, overall, is slightly longer than tall. The
height, measured vertically from the ground to the highest point of the
withers, is slightly less than the length, measured horizontally from
the point of the shoulders to the rear projection of the upper thigh.
The bone and muscle of the Manchester Terrier is of sufficient mass to
ensure agility and endurance.
The Manchester Terrier has a keen and alert expression.
The nearly black, almond shaped eyes are small, bright, and sparkling.
They are set moderately close together, slanting upwards on the outside.
The eyes neither protrude nor sink in the skull. Pigmentation must be
Correct ears for the Standard variety are either the naturally erect
ear, the cropped ear, or the button ear. No preference is given to any
of the ear types. The naturally erect ear, and the button ear, should be
wider at the base tapering to pointed tips, and carried well up on the
skull. Wide, flaring, blunt tipped, or "bell" ears are a serious fault.
Cropped ears should be long, pointed and carried erect.
The only correct ear for the Toy variety is the naturally erect ear.
They should be wider at the base tapering to pointed tips, and carried
well up on the skull. Wide, flaring, blunt tipped, or "bell" ears are a
serious fault. Cropped, or cut ears are a disqualification in the Toy
The head is long, narrow, tight skinned, and almost flat with a slight
indentation up the forehead. It resembles a blunted wedge in frontal and
profile views. There is a visual effect of a slight stop as viewed in
The muzzle and skull are equal in length. The muzzle is well filled
under the eyes with no visible cheek muscles. The underjaw is full and
well defined and the nose is black.
Tight black lips lie close to the jaw. The jaws should be full and
powerful with full and proper dentition. The teeth are white and strongly
developed with a true scissors bite. Level bite is acceptable.
The almond shaped eyes are basically oval shape and bluntly pointed at both
corners. The button ear is a semi-errect type ear in which the lower lobe
portion stands upright with the top part dropped of folded forward in the
direction of the eye, thereby at least partially obscuring the external ear
canal's orifice. Fox and Irish Terriers are good examples. Years ago, the
button ear helped to prevent loose earth from entering the ear canals during
digging for the rats. The head is wedge shaped, of greater diameter at it's
Although full dentition of 42 teeth is considered most desirable, it is not
unusual for dogs to have missing teeth. Those commonly absent are the
premolars. This is really not surprising when it is realized, from the
skulls discovered at excavation sites that the first 3 premolars in each jaw
were absent in most prehistoric specimens.
Neck, Topline, Body
The slightly arched neck should be slim and graceful, and of moderate
length. It gradually becomes larger as it approaches, and blends
smoothly with the sloping shoulders. Throatiness is undesirable.
The topline shows a slight arch over the robust loins falling slightly
to the tail set. A flat back or roached back is to be severely
The chest is narrow between the legs and deep in the brisket. The
forechest is moderately defined. The ribs are well sprung, but flattened
in the lower end to permit clearance of the forelegs.
The abdomen should be tucked up extending in an arched line from the
deep brisket.
The slight arch over the robust loins is the lumbar area extending from the
end of the rib cage to the start of the pelvis, the upper section of the
coupling region. An arched loin is symptomatic of strength and agility in
that area. This is due to muscular development over the spine and minor
differences in the angles of lumbar vertebrae and pelvis.
The chest of the Manchester should be narrow between the legs and deep in
the brisket. These were "diggers" who worked in the soil. Accordingly, they
were bred with generally narrows fronts and straight legs placed relatively
close together so that when digging, the loose earth could be propelled
between their spread rear legs.
Spring of rib is a reference to the shape of ribs after their emergence from
where they are joined with the thoractic vertebrae. The spring of ribs has a
direct influence upon chest capacity. The more pronounced the arch or spring
(with in reason), the greater the restriction on lung and heart development
and consequently, the less the anticipated stamina. A dog with correct rib
curvature and development is said to be well sprung, rounded or arched in
The tuckup is the appearance produced by the abdomen's underline as it
sweeps upwards into the flank and or hindquarters region. Tuckup is also
referred to as "cutup."
The taper style tail is moderately short reaching no further than the
hock joint. It is set on at the end of the croup. Being thicker where it
joins the body, the tail tapers to a point. The tail is carried in a
slight upward curve, but never over the back.
The taper style tail is a short coated tail that tapers to a point. Set
on at the end of the croup, which is the muscular area just above and
around the set on of the tail.
The shoulder blades and the upper arm should be relatively the same
length. The distance from the elbow to the withers should be
approximately the same as the distance from the elbow to the ground. The
elbows should lie close to the brisket. The shoulders are well laid
back. The forelegs are straight, of proportionate length, and placed
well under the brisket. The pasterns should be almost perpendicular. The
front feet are compact and well arched. The two middle toes should be
slightly longer than the others. The pads should be thick and the
toenails should be jet black.
Obliquely placed shoulders are slanting, sloping, well angulated or well
laid back. 60% of a dogs weight is carried on the front end. A cat foot
is a round, compact foot with well arched toes tightly bunched or close
cupped. The two center toes being only slightly longer than those on the
outside and inside. A hare foot is when the center toes are considerably
longer than associated outer and inner ones. Toe arching is less marked
making feet appear longer, over all. The pasterns are almost
perpendicular. The ideal slope is 20-25 % from the perpendicular is
considered correct in most instances. It is sufficient to say that for
normal function some degree of pastern slope is essential.
The thigh should be muscular with the length of the upper and lower
thighs being approximately equal. The stifle is well turned. The well
let down hocks should not turn in nor out as viewed from the rear. The
hind legs are carried well back. The hind feet are shaped like those of
a cat with thick pads and jet black nails.
The hindquarter angulation is the well turned stifle. Well let down
hocks are hocks close to the ground. Rear pasterns constructed and
angulated in such a manor that the distance from point of hock to ground
is correct for the breed. The shorter the rear pastern and the more
acute the hock joint angle, the more "let down" do hocks appear. Well
let down hocks are not more than 1/5 of the height of the dog at the
The coat should be smooth, short, dense, tight, and glossy; not soft.
A smooth coat is a short, close lying hair. Glossy is a shiny, lustrous
coat denoting health and well being. It can be up to 1/2 inch in length.
The coat color should be jet black and rich mahogany tan, which should
not run or blend into each other, but abruptly form clear, well defined
lines of color. There shall be a very small tan spot over each eye, and
a very small tan spot on each cheek. On the head, the muzzle is tanned
to the nose. The nose and nasal bone are jet black. The tan extends
under the throat, ending in the shape of the letter V. The inside of the
ears are partly tan. There shall be tan spots, called "rosettes," on
each side of the chest above the front legs. These are more pronounced
in puppies than in adults. There should be a black "thumbprint" patch on
the front of each foreleg at the pastern. The remainder of the foreleg
shall be tan to the carpus joint. There should be a distinct black
"pencil mark" line running lengthwise on the top of each toe on all four
feet. Tan on the hind leg should continue from the penciling on the toes
up the inside of the legs to a little below the stifle joint. The
outside of the hind legs should be black. There should be tan under the
tail, and on the vent, but only of such size as to be covered by the
tail. White on any part of the coat is a serious fault, and shall
disqualify whenever the white shall form a patch or stripe measuring as
much as one half inch at its longest dimension. Any color other than
black and tan shall be disqualified. Color and/or markings should never
take precedence over soundness and type.
Thumbprints can and have been put on my means of mascara, permanent
markers and "Lady Clairol" hair dye, as is the vent area being narrowed.
White has/is being covered up, particularly in the chest area. Peroxide
has/is being used to separate thumbprints that are excessive. Gay tails
are being surgically corrected and some have been poorly broken. PLEASE
refer to AKC "Rules Applying to DOG SHOWS" Chapter 11. Sec. 8C. No dog
shall be eligible to compete at any show and no dog shall receive any
award at any show in the event the natural color or shade of natural
color or the natural markings of the dog have been altered or changed by
the use of any substance whether such substance may have been used for
cleaning purposes or for any other reason. Such cleaning substances are
to be removed before the dog enters the ring. If in the judges opinion
any substance has been used to alter or change the natural color or
shade of natural color or natural markings of a dog, then in such event
the judge shall withhold any and all awards from such dog, and the judge
shall make a note in the judges book giving his reason for withholding
such award. The Handler or the Owner, or both, of any dog or dogs from
which any award has been withheld for violation of this section of the
rules, or any judge who shall fail to perform his duties under this
section, shall be subject to disciplinary action. This also holds true
for altering the set or carriage of the tail.
The gait should be free and effortless with good reach of the
forequarters, showing no indication of hackney gait. Rear quarters
should have strong, driving power to match the front reach. Hocks should
fully extend. Each rear leg should move in line with the foreleg of the
same side, neither thrown in nor out. When moving at a trot, the legs
tend to converge towards the center of gravity line beneath the dog.
Good reach is a reference to the distance covered with each stride. A
dog said to have plenty of reach is one with maximal stride length. You
DO NOT want to see the Hackney action which is exaggerated lift from the
elbow with a bend at the pasterns before extending the limb. Rear:
Strong driving power, this is used to describe hind quarter propulsion.
Single tracking: In normal canine movement, irrespective of breed, the
tendency is for the legs to incline more and more under the body as the
speed increases. Eventually, the paws come to travel in a single line.
Such action is referred to as single tracking.
In judging gait, anatomically incorrect specimens are rarely if ever capable
of sound movement.
The Manchester Terrier is neither aggressive nor shy. He is keenly
observant, devoted, but discerning. Not being a sparring breed, the
Manchester is generally friendly with other dogs. Excessive shyness or
aggressiveness should be considered a serious fault.
Standard variety-Weight over 22 pounds.
Toy variety-Cropped or cut ears.
Both varieties--White on any part of the coat whenever the white shall
form a patch or stripe measuring as much as one half inch at its longest
Any color other than black and tan.
Approved June 10, 1991
Effective July 31, 1991
*Comments & definitions prepared by JoAnn Emrick and as published by Harold R. Spira, Author of "CANINE TERMINOLOGY" - Text Copyright - 1982
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manor without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.