Welcome to the Wonderful World
Manchester Terriers!
The Manchester Terrier is one Breed with two
Varieties: the Standard and the Toy. The Toy variety can weigh up
to 12 pounds and has only naturally erect ears. Overall, the Manchester is a hardy
breed, they are very adaptable and make an excellent
companion for most people. This adaptability has prompted breed
fanciers to conclude that "As a sagacious, intelligent house
pet and companion, no breed is superior to the well-bred
Manchester Terrier." (AKC's Complete Dog Book) HISTORY: Manchester Terriers are considered by most to be
the oldest of all identifiable
terrier breeds, finding mention in works dating from as early as
the 16th century. In 1570 Dr. Caius (Encyclopedia of Dogs)
gives mention to the 'Black and Tan Terrier,' though he referred
to a rougher coated, shorter legged dog than we are now
accustomed to. By the early 1800s a closer fascimile to the
current Manchester Terrier had evolved. In The Dog in Health
and Disease by J. A. Walsh a full chapter was devoted to the
Black and Tan, for the first time recognizing it as an
established breed. The description Walsh set forth might, in
fact, serve well today: Smooth haired, long tapering nose, narrow
flat skull, eyes small and bright, chest rather deep than wide, only
true color Black and Tan. England 1875 Mr. Howard Mapplebeck's Toy Terrier
"BELLE" contrasted with Manchester Terrier (Std)
"QUEEN III." This portrait emphasizes the consistancy in type
and appearance this breed has exhibited for nearly two centuries
(at the very least). The following is a brief overview of the
breed's history in both its native England and America: The early 1800s saw times of poor sanitation in
England, rats soon became a health menace and rat killing became
a popular sport. John Hulme, enthusiastic devotee to the sport of
rat killing and rabbit coursing, crossed a Whippet to a cross
bred terrier to produce a tenacious, streamlined animal
infinitely suited to the sport. (Perhaps the Whippet influence
explains the unusual toplineof the Manchester still required
today). This cross proved so successful that it was repeated,
resulting in the establishment of a definite type -- thus the
Manchester Terrier was born. By 1827 the breed's fighting spirit had made it
equally handy along a hedge row as in a rat-pit. The Manchester
could tackle, with silent determination, an opponent twice its
size. Ears were cropped to save risk of being torn in frequent
scraps. (This also enhanced the sharp appearance of the
expression). When rat-killing became illegal in England rat-pits
were supplanted by dining halls or public Inns, all of which were
infested by rats. To combat the rodent problem each Inn kept
kennels. When the taprooms closed, who do you think took command?
The little Black and Tan rat killers who proved their worth 100
fold to the Inn keeper. 1860 saw the Manchester district of England as
the breed center for these "Rat Terriers" and the name
Manchester Terrier surfaced. Smaller specimens began to gain
appeal, unethical persons were known to introduce Chihuahuas in
order to reduce size to as small as 2 1/2 pounds! This resulted
in numerous problems, including apple heads, thinning coats, and
poppy eyes. Inbreeding further diminished size yet the smaller
versions, though delicate and sickly, remained popular for some
FOR MANCHESTERS? : Smaller Manchesters were carried in specially
designed leather pouches suspended from the rider's belt,
(earning the title of "Groom's Pocket Piece"). With
their smaller stature these dogs obviously could not keep up with
the hounds, but when the hounds ran the fox into dense thickets
they were not able to penetrate, the little Manchester Terrier
was released. Nicknamed the "Gentleman's Terrier" this
breed was never a "sissy," his dauntless spirit
commanded respect. As in its native country the Manchester gained
quick acceptance as a recognized breed. In 1886, just two years
after the American Kennel Club was organized, the first Black and
Tan Terrier was registered in the stud book. The following year
"Lever" (AKC #7585) became the first AKC recognized
Manchester Terrier. The 20th century is dotted by the recognition of
breed clubs devoted to preserving and promoting this breed: In 1923 the "Manchester Terrier Club of
America" was recognized, 1934 saw the Toy Black and Tan
Terrier changed to Toy Manchester Terrier, and in 1938 the "American
Toy Manchester Terrier Club" was recognized. By 1952, however, the "Manchester Terrier Club
of America" (Standards) was without organized breed
representation. To the credit of the "American Toy Manchester
Terrier Club", the two breeds were combined as one (with two
Varieties - Standard & Toy) with the formation of the "American
Manchester Terrier Club" in 1958, an organization which still
survives today. BREED CHARACTERISTICS: Perhaps the most striking (and obvious) of the
Manchester's features is its markings, where clarity and depth of
color are very desirable. The American Kennel Club's standard
currently calls for the following (paraphrased) regarding color
and marking: The coat color should be jet black and rich
mahogany tan which should...abruptly form clear, well defined
lines of color. Specific markings called for include: small
tan spots on both cheeks as well as over each eye, and tan
spots called "rosettes" on each side of the chest
above the front legs. On the head the muzzle is tanned to the
nose while the nose and nasal bone are jet black. There
should be a black "thumbprint" patch on the front
of each leg at the pastern as well as a distinct black pencil
mark line running on the top of each toe. The remainder of
the foreleg remains tan to the carpus joint. Another definite breed characteristic is the arch
over the loin which falls to the tail set. Because the back joins
the tail at the same height as the shoulder the Manchester's
topline is one of its more unique traits. In other respects,
however, the Manchester follows the general requirements of most
Terrier breeds: dark, small eyes, good feet and teeth, a
relatively short body, well coupled and a Terrier character -
fearless and proud - exhibiting quality in every movement. Unlike
most terriers, however, the Manchester is not
considered a sparring breed. The Standard Variety weighs over 12 pounds and not
exceeding 22 pounds. The Standard may have three ear types,
naturally erect, cropped or button. In both varieties, the only
allowable color is Black and Tan. The Manchester's short, dense,
glossy, black coat with rich mahogany tan markings accounts for
the breed's original name -- the Black and Tan Terrier.
Equally at home in the country or city, the Manchester's keen
intelligence is admired along with the breed's cleanliness and